Pocahaunted – Island Diamonds


Someone help me out here! I know very little about this band apart from the fact that they produce pretty awesome music and describe themselves as “the Olsen twins of blissed out drone”, which is definitely a great description. Recorded over three months, Island Diamonds is a record that definitely requires repeated listens to fully appreciate, with layers upon layers of sound built up on each track. It consists of only four songs, with the shortest clocking in at just under 8 minutes which might put quite a few people off. In some ways Pocahaunted remind me of early Animal Collective, with lots of tribal drums and reverb as well as a touch of electronic stuff thrown in for good measure. One of the guys from Racoo-oo-oons also plays sax on this.
Also, they’re pretty hot, but I probably shouldn’t say that.

2 Responses to “Pocahaunted – Island Diamonds”

  1. 1 Erika May 17, 2009 at 2:34 pm

    Ahh thanks, I’ve been looking for this!

  2. 2 Tara May 21, 2009 at 2:41 am

    you’ve got tons of stuff on here i’ve been meaning to check out. thanks a lot, keep it up!

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May 2009